
Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Knowing More about Auto-responder

Auto-responder as we all know is made available to simplify / reduce the time taken to complete our day-to-day tasks. It is one of the best technologies seen in the internet over the years. With auto-responder, you can e-mail an audience of more than 1 million effectively within a minute. Managing of auto-responder is very simple and requires little time daily or weekly depending on how choose.
More About Auto-responder
Let us say you are an information marketer and you have a database of 20,000 e-mail addresses. You want to send an e-mail to them but do not know how or that you are tired of the bc (black copy) and bcc method of mailing many number of people at a time. You are looking for a better way of doing time taking task like replying your fans individually, tracking success rate, and other things. You are tired of typing your prospects email address one after the other or that much time is spent organizing / grouping your fans emails each time you want to send out mass email. Whatever the issue might be concerning handling emails that is giving you headache, auto-responder can help you simplify it.
Hurry now and sign up with your preferred auto-responder provider (you can find more help if you click here), get the code and insert it in your website, preferably at the footer of your webpage. Provide incentives to make your audience exchange their email address for your product/service. When your visitors enter their email address, they are automatically redirected to the webpage you specified. Hence, they have access to the incentive (may be e-book, podcast, video etc) and you have their email address which you will use in the future to inform them of new products or send out marketing campaign or things relating to that.
Log in to your account with the auto-responder provider you signed up with, create newsletters (most used for instant mailing or informing prospects of new deals) or broadcasts (could be sent instantly or scheduled for later time). You can create as many messages as your provider could allow, schedule them to be sent on daily interval / twice daily, once in two days, three, two or once in a week and may be once in two weeks / once in a month or preferably at a definite time in a later day. You can also specify that a particular message be resent a give time / day. Whatever the case, you can always create and schedule messages or send it immediately.
Ensure you have specified everything correctly: One thing you must be cautious of is to specify the correct information you intended. To take care of these, crosscheck every link in your message. If you fail to do this, you are at risk of driving traffic to another fellow who you might not even know. How? Let us say you want to type and you accidentally or unintentionally typed, don’t you see you are directing your prospect to another site? (I.e. if that domain exists).
Risks of not cross-checking your message
If your visitor is redirected to another site,
1.       You are losing a potential customer.
2.       You might unknowingly be selling others products by redirecting someone to another site that offers similar services like you.
3.       He or she might be taken to a site that is entirely different from what you are offering and he might be offended seeing what he wasn’t looking for.
4.       You will loose you image before the visitor because he didn’t get what he requested for instead he got the opposite.
5.       You run the risk of losing eleven potential customers. Like an adage would say, a satisfied customer will tell about 1 – 3 but a dissatisfied customer will tell from eleven upwards.
“Large Email database managed correctly will never fail you!!!”
Don’t forget to read Email Marketing Using Auto-responder

Thank you so much for reading so far hopes it is informative. If so, please comment and share with your loved ones.

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