

Please read these carefully and make sure you understand every bit of it as we are not to be held responsible for any damage caused for the use of our guidelines.
YouCan and its publisher(s) (from employees down to guest content creators) put maximum effort in place to ensure that what they share with their audience is original, made of quality, non-counterfeit contents. All information posted at any of our service-sharing medium are checked and proofread to ensure the good working condition of those information before publishing it for public viewing.
Though we apply certain legal measures to ensure that we provide the best and nothing but the best for our audience, but in no case shall we guarantee that there are no mistakes, errors, omissions, or things related to everyday mistakes in spoken/written English.
Hence, we advice that if you find any error, omission, mistakes, or related things that may lead to contrary interpretation of the originally intended meaning of the content in question, please report it to us and we will correct it as soon as possible.
Before any information goes public, we take certain measures to verify that all information, instruction, tutorials, advice and whatever the intended content provides, are working as stated in the content. We will never give you any advice that we are not sure of how and/or the nature of its workability.
The measures we install to ensure that correct information is delivered are not limited. However, YouCan or any of its confirmed content creators does not in any form or whatever means, “Guarantee” that the provided information contain by no means any error. OR that the provided information will work “as stated” in the content in question. This could be because of the rapid changes in our society (particularly the internet) today or differences in the way individuals carry out instructions.
Hence weStrongly Advice” that you rely on your own judgments when choosing to patronize any of the services and products we provide.
We share other individuals / organization contents on our blog, e-books, social media, and any other platform we consider appropriate. But, in all case, we share only those contents we are granted permission to. However, all information from external source shared on any of our sharing mediums is the ones we believe could have positive impact in the lives of our audience.
Any third party content share or linked to by our publishers are things we found relevant as it regards the purpose for which it was shared. Nevertheless, the information linked to or shared on any of our service delivering methods may not remain there or be as appropriate or possibly may not portray the original/quality meaning we think it was at the time of linking to it. This could be because of changes made by individual owners to ensure they deliver the best for their audience. It could also be because they deleted or moved the content linked to by our publisher.
Please while following any link to third party contents, be sure to check out how they system works and also their “terms of use / privacy policy”. They are solely responsible for any content found on their server. You should note that relying on your own judgment will help you verify the genuine nature of any acclaimed content.
We engage in certain marketing programs to help cut the bills on our table. Some of which includes; affiliate marketing, promoted posts, pay per click (third party PPC), etc. All these and even more are some of the ways we ensure that we keep you updated. We use those strategies to deliver quality products and at the same time getting rewards for our efforts.
Almost every content producing body adopts marketing in one way or the other. In our own case, we choose clients we believe are genuine and provide quality services to their audience. That been said, we will never guarantee the workability or genuineness of the content delivered on our sharing platforms by our clients. Most especially contents delivered through PPC campaigns. Therefore, you shall not hold anyone responsible for the outcome of clicking and/or relying on the advice or links found on contents delivered through platforms that we are responsible for managing. Furthermore, YouCan or any of its publishers will never be held hostage for counterfeit or any related content published on our sites by third party content provider(s).
No one is perfect not even you. Therefore, be sure to use all methods legally possible to ensure you verify that what you are about to embrace is actually what you wanted and not camouflaged content. If you ever found any content on our service sharing mediums that appear spam, virus/worm infected, trick motivated and just about anything that you found to be hazardous to the progress and health of our customers, visitors and clients, “please report” it to us and we will try removing it if found true after analysis.
The use of our ideas “is as it is” and we do not guarantee in whatever manner for or by any means that the provided information are correct and without errors. You are in “whatever case” responsibly for any damage, loss, or negative effects resulting from your use of our ideas.
REMEMBER! We are not professionals in any field but from what we have done for many we believe we can also do more for you!

Ensure you read and understand:

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