
Thursday, 20 February 2014

Adding Adsense to Blogger

The embedding of Google Adsense code into Blogger is as simple a ABC. But having seen people having some problems with the process, I decided to provide you with detailed information on how to add your Google Adsense code into your blog. Before we continue, I assume that you have your account with Adsense already. If not, read my post on how to become an Adsense publisher. However, I you already have an account then lets get down to business.
This Is The Official YouCan Logo
YouCan Logo! Yes You Can Do Even More.....
Steps to Add Adsense to Blogger
You can add #Google #Adsense to your blog by these two methods viz:
·         Ready prepared method: This method is recommended if you are looking for a way to integrate Google Adsense code into your blog operating under blogger. Because both services are products of Google, a widget was developed to easy the difficulties associated with adding Google Adsense code into blogger. It is also important to use this method because there is almost 95% guarantee that if you complete the integration using this method, you won’t have much problem as to whether the ads will display or not.
Steps to Use the Pre-Automated Method
1.       Login to your blog: To be able to insert your personalized Google Adsense code into your blog, you must login to your account dashboard.
2.       Click on “layout,” move your mouse to where you would like your ads to display (could be at right tab of the screen, bottom or top of the screen) and click on the add gadget option.
3.       A new hanging window pops out with list of gadgets you can add to your blog.
4.       Scroll down to “Adsense” and click to select.
5.       When the new page opens, enter your “Adsense Details” to login.
6.       Once you are logged in, you will have the option to customize how Adsense looks in your website. Remember to use the preview area on the down part of the window to see how your customized Adsense looks.
7.       When you are done customizing, “click ok.”
8.       For all changes to take effect, you must have to click on “Save Changes” at the top-right corner of the screen.
 ·         Manual Method: If you don’t like the previous method or maybe you are good in html, this option is for you. Though I recommend you use the first method above. Before you choose this second method, keep these things in mind;
a.       Your ads may not display because you inserted it at the wrong place (probably between another script/widget which will cause both widget/script to cease working or you placed it at an invisible container/placeholder). Hence, be cautious as you go about the process.
b.      If the copied code is not complete/broken, it can cause incorrect display of ads or can cause it not to display at all. Hence, take caution while copying to ensure you copied the complete code.
c.       Don’t make any changes to the code as Google might consider it fraudulent and could cause your ban from the program.
Steps to Use the Manual Method
1.       Login to your Adsense account: Using your Adsense Account details login in to your Adsense account. Click on “Setup” and customize the way you want the ads to display on your blog. (You can choose text only, only images or mixture of both).
2.       Copying the Code: After customizing the look and type of ads you want Adsense to display on your blog, click on “Get Code.” A box will pop out on the down part center of the page. Move your mouse to the box and right click (to avoid using click and drag for selecting the areas to copy), then copy the code.
3.       Pasting it on your Website: Open a new Tab/Window, login to your blogger dashboard.
4.       Click on “Template” (not layout this time). when the new page opens, click on “edit template.”
5.       Inside the box that contain your template (codes), scroll down to where you will like your ads to display and right click then choose paste. It is best to place the code between the
place your code here
space of your template codes.
6.       When you are done pasting the code, click on “Save Template” on the upper top of the template container.
Your Blog is now ready to display Ads from Google. NOTE: it can take some hours, a day or even more for Adsense to start displaying on your Blog.
Thank you so much for reading so far hopes it is informative. If so, please comment and share with your loved ones

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