
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

How to Add Adsense to WordPress Using Google Publisher

This tutorial will guide you on how to add Google Adsense to your self-hosted WordPress blog. Over the years, experts provide us with many plug-ins to help integrate Adsense to WordPress, but none of them was officially released by Google except this new one called Google Publisher. It was released by Google on January 2014. With this plug-in, you can start making a living from your traffic blog just like every other dude out there. I love this plug-in because it does not feature only Adsense but also Google Webmasters Tools. From the perceived insights, Google will still add other useful services to it. As of the time of this post, the plug-in is still in beta. Which could be a guarantee that more amazing features will be integrated into it. Your trying of this plug-in could also help in making it better as your comments/feedbacks will be used to verify how effective the plug-in is. Hence, lets continue to the steps you will take to add this plug-in to your blog.
YouCan Logo. Just to multivate you
YouCan Logo!

Dollars to be made from Adsense
You Can Make Dollars From Adsense
How to integrate Google publisher plug-in into WordPress
1.       Login to your WordPressdashboard and navigate to plug-ins.
2.       Follow the process of installing a plug-in and install Google publisher on your blog.
                OR you can
1.       Go to the download page on WordPress
2.       Download it to your computer and then upload it to your plug-in directory on self-hosted WordPress.
Once the plug-in is installed,
3.       Navigate to settings dropdown menu
4.       Select Google Publisher Plug-in
5.       Follow the preceding screen commands to connect the plug-in to your Adsense account.
6.       You can further customize it by clicking on Manage Ads
It is that easy. Moreover, it includes trusted tool from Google to help manage and also give important analysis on how accessible your site is. What will make you think you are going to let go this plug-in? For me it is one of the best options out there. If my perception is correct, Google will still add additional tools to it. Remember, even the name suggests that they intend doing so.
You can also use this summary to manually add Adsense to WordPress
This manual method will help you add Adsense to your WordPress and also to your website. All you have to do is to apply little initiative by changing the process you use in editing your website template.
1.       Go to your WordPress dashboard and go through the normal process of editing your blog template
2.       Open a new window and log in to your Adsenseaccount,
3.       Click on set up to customize how your ads will look in your blog, you can choose to display only text ads or images and mixed.
4.       After customizing, click on get code. Copy the code and navigate to your WordPress editor page.
5.       Move your cursor to where you want the ads to display and paste it there.
6.       Save your template and you are ready to go…
Do you need help on how to add Adsense to blogger? Read my blog post on how to add Adsense to Blogger and you might want to know amazing tips on how to be successful with Google Adsense
Thank you so much for reading so far hopes it is informative. If so, please comment and share with your loved ones.

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