Masturbation like every other addictive act are always
easier to get into but very hard to get out of especially when you are not
surrounded by and with the right / required tools that will aid you through the
process. However, there is always a shortcut to every destination. Hence, I am
assuring you that if you follow the under listed steps, then you are for
- You “must” be determined to change: There is certainly one method to get to any destination which is to start going. You can never by any means get to where you want to except by lifting your foot and start matching towards your destination. For you to achieve (i.e. to quit masturbating), you must be aware that it is an addictive act which is at whatever manner dangerous to living beings. (Hey, I do not want to discourage you here but I want you to know that it will easier to escape an assassin pointing a gun at you than quitting addictive habits. That is the main reason much emphasis is been made on the fact than you must be determined to quit for you to start seeing changes. However, if you are not determined to quit yet, please read option 2 below very understandably because it will go a long way to help you.
- If you are not determined to quit yet, here is what to do: First thing to do if you are still contemplating on whether or not to quit is to surround yourself with positive mindset. (i.e. to firewall your mind against unhealthy thoughts). By this I mean you should try by all means possible to avoid anything that will flash or pop up an erotic image In your mind. If you should ever succeed in doing this, you have won 90% of the battle.
- Erase all pictures of previous actions: While this is similar with previous option, you must be aware that they work differently. The previous option has to do with blocking thoughts that will ignite the quenched fire or better said that will rekindle the stopping fire but this option three has to do with cleaning of memories and thoughts of previous cases where you have falling victim. Therefore, to achieve this or to start working on this option, you must have succeeded with option two or else you will not see noteworthy changes. One of the tricks on how to get this done is by ensuring that whenever thoughts of previous done- wrong flashes in, you will always replace it with other positive thoughts. This is very possible but requires little patience.
- Avoid anything Nude: Nude materials like pornographic contents whether in movie, animated or just image forms are at all times on the top list of causes of masturbation. For you to be able to quit masturbation, you must get rid of these materials. These include avoiding pornographic sites (web wise), films and the rest.
- Avoid gazing at attractive opposite sex or flirt talks: If you can get your eyes of that gorgeous angel or that cute / handsome guy dude, the easier the task will be. However, this does not literally mean you should not look at people or that you should act strange when you see the like. But what I mean is to reduce the rate at which you gaze at them and more importantly, try avoiding thoughts like; cheese, this girl is awesome or that dude rocks. Also included is the fact that you must by any means possible avoid flirt discussions with your peeps at least you are free from this bondage. Whilst you will not masturbate I the public, allowing the afore mentioned act will trigger the urge to masturbate when you are alone or enjoying privacy.
- Avoid staying Alone: this option might not be as effective as many people believe because you can never enjoy others company 24/7 especially at night or when you want to take a bath. Nevertheless, if you can influence people to make them be around you as often as possible, the better for you. Another method that is very effective is to find an interesting alternative that will replace the one you want to quit. If you love football or any other sports, you might consider procuring P.S (play station).
- Tell someone you trust about it: Inform someone who will not make mockery of you and explain your problem to him or her. This person preferably should be a medical expert, religious leader or an academic (educated person). I will advice you don’t make the mistake of telling “just” a friend because good might turn to worse tomorrow and you will be the next breaking news at every place where two or more gathers. Unless if you are ready to face the outcome and stomach your ego then it is an option.
- Always listen to or read motivational materials: Research has show that one of the best methods of helping yourself out of addictive habits is by clinging / sticking to motivational guides. Everything you need in this aspect is everywhere and affordable depending on your lifestyle. If you always online (internet wise), you can jump from one page, podcasts or video to another that teaches you how to quit masturbation and other addictive habits. The best part is that many of them are free and very informative / educative. All it will cost you is internet subscription your network provider will charge you depending on your location. But if you are offline more often than you are online, you have the option of purchasing audio or video materials. Or you can listen to radio or television programmes that covers the issue at hand. You also have to tape-record every programme you listened to for reference purpose (for personal use only).
- Prayer: I should have given this option before other ones but I want to make further emphasis on it so I decided it should at the end. When I mentioned prayer, someone reading this might just conclude that this post is religiously motivated, but that is never true. Nevertheless, for the fact that I have had the opportunity to speak with people who are actively involved in the act, I decided to add this 9th point with special reference. Someone recently stated that he manages to abstain from masturbation every other days of the week except on Sundays. He continued by saying that he prays hard when he is alone and at church services. Yet he must masturbate either the night before Sunday morning or the night after and sometimes in the daytime. I asked him, 1. Do you always think about masturbation and how to quit it for long time? 2. Are you always afraid that you have something to lose because you masturbate? Amazingly as I expected, he answered yes to these questions and other ones not listed. I then told him to avoid long thought over the act and try as much as possible to wave back thoughts of masturbation. Instead of worrying over how to quit masturbating, he should put more effort on how to forget any thought of the word masturbation. You know what later happened? The method I suggested worked perfectly for him. He was praying hard about it but installed more effort on forgetting the existence of that act. 5 months has passed now and he has never falling victim again.
Thank you so much for reading so far hopes it is
informative. If so, please comment and share with your loved ones.Remember to read Masturbation and some side effects
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